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Filtering by Category: here

self-portrait as meditation

liz lamoreux

Taking self-portraits has become a meditation in the midst of whatever a new day unexpectedly brings. #wateryoursoul

Phone in hand, I extend my arm, let my face relax, and focus on one word: here. Then I snap the photo. Usually I take somewhere between two and ten photos. Taking 30 seconds to maybe two minutes depending on the moment.

I am capturing me, here, right now. This moment. The realness of it all. From joy to contentment to just being still. The photos reveal new pieces of me every time: beauty and truth and so many stories.

Somewhere in the last few years, taking self-portraits has become my daily meditation. This is the way I know I'm not disappearing in the midst of whatever the day hands me. This is how I remind myself that I can choose in each moment. 

I know it can seem overwhelming to even begin to turn the camera on yourself. Many of us spend a lot of time in a sometimes intense negative inner dialogue about how we look on the outside. And we fear the camera will show the list of flaws we insist we have.

But here is what I know: Capturing myself through my camera lens is helping me to shed the ways I have been talking to myself since I was about eight years old.

The layers of "wishing I looked like" and "believing I would only be happy if" and "maybe I would have more success if I was skinnier" and so many other stories stacked up since third grade when I needed to wear a bra two years before all the other girls in my class.

Now when I look in the mirror and look at self-portraits, I almost always see myself with softness, with compassion. Even when the circles are heavy under my eyes. Even when I am hitting my limit of what the day holds. Even when I have let myself down. The mirror and the camera help me to feel less alone. They help me find space inside me. They help me find my breath. They help me to trust that I am finding my way. 


You can find more juicy self-portrait prompts in my book Inner Excavation: Explore Your Self Through Photography, Poetry, and Mixed Media. I'm delighted to share that I'm selling copies again, this time at a special discounted price of $18. Read more about the book and order it from me right here.



liz lamoreux

notes to myself...

Ellie and I are visiting family for a few days. And I made a huge choice: I didn't bring my laptop. I feel so much lighter. Checking email a handful of times a day and only answering what needs to be dealt with right away. Staying mostly away from Facebook. Yes. Lighter.

And I'm playing in a Smash book again. (Found the black one on clearance at Target.) Needed one when all this space not having the laptop creates began to fill with some brainstorming and thoughts that needed to be caught.

The words above are the ones I'm returning to over here. Thinking about how taking even a little break from the online world helps me to hear my own voice again and to shed layers of comparing and shoulds and why haven't I done or why didn't this happen and how the list goes on. 




And just being really present to all the stories this little two year old in my life has to share every minute that she's awake.


How are things in your corner? What are you shedding, trusting, listening to?


the beauty in this moment

liz lamoreux

new rug + timer app + her joy + these boots over jeans #beautyinthismoment

new rug + timer setting on camera+ app + her joy + these boots over jeans was the beauty of a moment on friday afternoon.

the picture isn't perfect because the lighting was very dim...i might have overprocessed it a wee bit by accident because i sometimes forget how camera+ works...but i didn't want to forget how proud she was to stand still and hold my hand because "the timer is going!" and how her laughter is contagious and how much we both love the new rug and how darn happy these new jeans that fit in my boots make me feel.

getting us both in the photo makes me happy. remembering the laughter and joy is what matters.


i imagine a lot more photos like this one in our future.

(the boots are two seasons ago of this ecco style. also have the black. love them big time.)


liz lamoreux

Oh this face.

oh this face :: Millie, my daily companion for the last eight years (she's 12)

enjoying :: apples + peanut butter, coconut milk creamer, hearing Millie snore in the middle of the day (always, always)

listening :: I found my long lost iPod nano last month (lost since 2007), so playlists made circa 2006 are in the air around here. Like this one. Feels like yesterday and 20 years ago all at once.

seeing :: Spending more time with the mirror meditation...giving myself space to notice the truth, beauty, realness of showing up as me when I just look myself in the eyes and breathe. (And feeling moved to ask you to join me. More on that next week.)

reading :: This month's Sprout magazine is all about friendship. And Kelly and I have a little piece about how two little Indiana girls found their way to become friends and how it took one of them moving across the country for them to find one another. There is some really lovely poetry in this month's issue too.

loving :: My new Texture mini comfy skirts. I'm wearing them over yoga pants, and the pocket is perfect for my phone and the length is great for doing yoga (and, well, everyday living). I've been wearing Texture for about seven years now and so glad I decided to try this length. Almost didn't because the word "mini" seems counterintuative to someone who wears an XL, but really this length is great over pants (or even another skirt).

watching :: House of Cards (new Netflix series that is so darn good) + this incredibly hilarious video from Ophira Eisenberg's appearance on the Late Late Show (thanks to Jen for sending it over! Ophira is part of Jen's incredible Telling Your Story curriculum) + introducing my studio assistant (aka Ellie's babysitter) to Alias while we packaged this week (I remembered that first episode being like a mini movie but oh.my.goodness it was fun to watch with someone who had no idea what would happen next. oh and hello bradley cooper!)

trusting :: Trying to clear some distractions so I can trust what I hear in the space where the quiet and my intuition mingle. 

noticing :: Spring is returning. Yes. From the buds on the cherry tree to the green crocus shoots appearing, she is finding her way again.

here: a list

liz lamoreux

Babysitter is here! We are off to a cafe to work. (new cowl meets wrap from my mom makes me so happy!)


chai tea latte, chatter surrounds, adele singing in my ears
cafe date with jonny, each working, choosing to be together


new favorite cinnamon wrap made with love
talismans on wrist, ears, neck, reminders of friendship
white even though it's winter and raining with labor day many pages behind


the choice to be open the only way


Thank you for you. For your kindness. For your understanding. It would be silly to pretend that we bloggers never show up simply seeking validation. That was me yesterday. And I deeply appreciate you seeing that without judgement.  

giving into the giggles

liz lamoreux

Super silly cuddling over here.

I've just finished watching the season opener of "Downtown Abbey" and I have a blog post brewing inside me not so much about the show but about something else entirely but earlier today I pinky swore via text with my friend Rachelle that I would choose rest when I can and right now, really, going to bed at 11:20 PM is the choice I need to make.

But I want to leave you with this photo of a very giggly girl and her mama because I want to remind you (and me) that giving into the giggles and the silly and the oh my goodness you really want to play hide and seek again moments might just change your life. Or at least make your heart open up a bit wider.


As will rest. So be sure to do that too. Off I go...


happy new year

liz lamoreux

Eleanor Jane :: January 1, 2013

May your year unfold
with light,
and love love love.

2011 :: 2012

2011 :: 2012

This little shirt is a bit of a tradition around here.

She insisted on wearing it all day even though a bit of her belly peeks out.

And of course she wanted to pair it with her new favorite purple velvet skirt.


I adore her.

And I think today's photo will be the cover page of our 2013 Project Life album. 


liz lamoreux

Saying yes to ruffles & layers & softness & me. Just me.


to ruffles
to layers
to soft i could sleep in this clothes
to letting go of "what not to wear"
to colors that feel like home

to hats
to headbands
to oils that glide across my skin
to white after, before, and on labor day
to candles lit at dusk

to cozy
to cooking
to letting the shoulds be 
to listening
to choosing love 

today, i say yes
to ruffles
to layers
to me,
just me. 


I cleaned my closet Saturday and instead of the usual "you should keep this because it makes you look thinner" or "what if you need that white blouse for a meeting" or "do you know how much that cost" voice that I usually hear in my head when tackling the closet, I first heard the wisdom of my friend Hannah encouraging me. And then after the first shopping bag was full, I began to just hear my own. Yes. 

Slowly, I will go through it all...the closets, the drawers, the under the bed stuff...and I will gently gather only what I love to me.